GED Option Program
TEACH-NW is an ODE approved GED Option Program.
The primary focus of the GED Option Program is to help students develop the skills they need in order to pass the five areas of the GED Test: Writing, Social Studies, Science, Reading Literature, and Mathematics. This includes instruction aligned with the Oregon Content Standards and Essential Skills established for high school students in the traditional high schools and includes broad cognitive as well as basic skills.
Students applying for this program must meet the minimum requirements as outlined below:
Be at least 16 years of age but not older than 18 years of age.
Applicants must be at least one year behind their 9th-grade graduation cohort or unable to complete their diploma with their cohort.
Participating student’s independent reading level (in English or Spanish) must be sufficient to successfully complete GED instruction and testing (8th Grade or above).
For more information on how to enroll in TEACH-NW’s GED Option Program, please contact our GED Option Program Counselor, Mike Deeds at