teach nw

What is TEACH-NW Virtual Discovery Challenge?

Welcome to our virtual challenge series, an exciting collection of creative challenges designed to spark imagination and showcase the diverse talents of our students. Each month, we present a unique theme that blends various educational disciplines, from arts and sciences to history and technology. These challenges are not just about winning; they're a platform for students to explore new concepts, express their creativity, and connect with their peers and the world around them.

Every challenge is an opportunity for students to dive deep into a subject, whether it's transforming a family recipe into a storytelling masterpiece, exploring the wonders of science through virtual experiments, or expressing their love for literature with artful projects. The submissions are as diverse as our student body, offering a glimpse into the rich tapestry of interests and backgrounds that make our school community so vibrant. Winning projects are featured here, celebrating the ingenuity and hard work of our students. Join us in this journey of discovery and watch as our students turn ideas into reality, one challenge at a time!
